Ballooning, it’s an outdoor, weather dependant soft adventure activity - be prepared

The meeting point is not our launch site. The launch site will be a grass field somewhere within a 30 minute drive chosen by your pilot on the morning of your flight. It may be wet, it maybe a little muddy so dress appropriately in outdoor clothing and shoes, as sometimes you can get a little grubby.

Wind direction & speed is the main factor taken into consideration when choosing our launch site. You will be transported to the launch site we select on the day in our vehicles and receive a safety briefing prior to the balloon being inflated and you stepping aboard.

There are no doors on the basket. You need to be able to climb into the basket unassisted. A step and footholds are available. If you have any doubts regarding your level of fitness please contact our office to discuss if ballooning is a suitable activity for you.

Upon landing your assistance in packing the balloon up will be appreciated as it means we get back for breakfast and coffee faster.

What can go wrong? Well it’s an adventure activity, so anything can happen. The flying part of the day is always great fun however sometimes things like getting bogged or stuck behind a locked gate, getting wet & dirty, the flight is delayed due to fog and even the flight being cancelled due to a change in the weather conditions can happen.

Just take it in your stride and don’t let it ruin the experience, because it’s just part of ballooning.


Where do you meet us for your flight?

Meet at: Lounge area; upstairs.

Peppers Silos Launceston

89-91 Lindsay st

Invermay TAS 7248

How long does it all take?

You can expect to be with us for about 3-4 hours. This includes the flight as well as the setting up and packing up of the balloon, as well as having breakfast after the flight.

Am I subject to any terms & conditions?

Yes, you are bound by our Terms & Conditions. We cannot alter them under any circumstances so please do not ask for special dispensations as they cannot be given.

I missed my flight, what happens?

If you fail to turn up, arrive late or miss your flight you will lose your monies and forfeit your ticket.

How long is my ticket valid for?

All tickets and gift vouchers are valid for 36 months from the date of purchase. Discounted tickets such as the local Lift off and discounted Gift Vouchers are only valid for 12 months. You must fly within the validity period.

Gift Vouchers cannot be extended

I have an existing injury can I still fly?

All passengers with existing injuries should seek medical advice before booking a flight. We cannot be held responsible for aggravating an existing injury. If you a holder of a Gift Voucher we will allow you to transfer the voucher to another person.

We recommend that you take out Travel Insurance coverage in the event you are prevented from flying due to illness or injury.

What happens if I fall ill?

We recommend that you seek and take out Insurance to cover the possibility of illness or injury preventing you from flying.

If it is within 3 days of the flight we will allow you to transfer your ticket to another person to replace you on the flight and we will ourselves endeavour to find a replacement as well.

But if no replacement can be found the ticket will be forfeited.

Can I cancel and get a refund on my flight ticket?

If you cannot reschedule from a cancelled flight you may request a refund. Please note: Gift Vouchers and discounted tickets are strictly non-refundable. Flight cancellations are not allowed within 3 days of the flight.

All other tickets can be refunded less an administration fee of $12.00pp

Do flight take place all year?

No - During the period between June & October it is too wet for us to gain access to both our launch and landing sites. Flight season starts October through till June.

What do I do if my flight is cancelled?

If your flight is cancelled you can reschedule to an alternate date. Simply contact our office on: 0407 867 776 or via email 

Am I Insured?

Yes, you will be insured whilst flying with us. It is a requirement of (CASA) Civil Aviation Safety Authority to carry Air Carriers Liability Insurance.

However we do recommend you take out your own travel insurance to cover the possibility of illness or injury preventing you from flying on your chosen day. 

Are discounts available for groups?

No group discounts are currently available

How do I pay for a flight?

Book Online using Credit Card or Paypal.

Can you accommodate corporate groups?

We can cater for Corporate groups up to 12 persons. Price per person is as listed on website, No discounts are available.

How long is a Gift Voucher valid for?

(Gift Vouchers are no longer available)

36 months from the date of purchase.

Discounted tickets such as the local Lift off and discounted Gift Vouchers are only valid for 12 months. You must fly within the validity period

The recipient must fly within this period. No extensions will be given. Vouchers are transferable (fees apply) but are not refundable.

Are hot air balloons safe?

If in the right hands, yes. Hot Air Balloon Tasmania (Cloud 9 Balloon Flights) has a safety record and safety culture which our reputation has been built on over the past 29 years, so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

What time do we meet?

We meet around 45 min before first light. You will find out the precise meeting time when you receive the text message from the pilot the day prior; rough guide: Summer – 4.30am and Winter – 6.30am.

How long is the flight?

Flights are scheduled to last more than 45 minutes. The exact length depends on the availability & suitability of landing sites. For the whole flying experience, including breakfast allow 4 hours.

Do we need to ‘Check In’ for our flight?

The pilot sends an SMS to your mobile phone to confirm the meeting time the day prior to your flight and then a final SMS on the morning of your flight to confirm the flight is going ahead.

If you do not receive an SMS the Pilot can be reached on: 0407 238 104.

How high do hot air balloons go?

Most flights take place from tree height to 5000 or more feet, if conditions allow.

Where do we launch and land?

We choose the launch site on the morning of the flight depending on wind direction & speed, we have numerous launch sites to choose from. Landing will take place in a suitable location somewhere downwind of the launch site.

Is it cold during the flight?

You will find it no colder in the balloon than when you are on the ground. The burners, located above your head radiate some warmth so it’s quite pleasant in winter and hot in Summer.

What should I wear and bring?

Wear outdoor clothing; a hat, boots or closed in footwear. Do not wear expensive or white coloured clothing/shoes. Ballooning is an outdoor adventure experience and there is a fair chance that you will get a little dirty. Bring a camera and a good attitude. We cannot be held liable for the cleaning of clothing items.

Can anyone fly?

Minimum age is 7 years. Children under the age of 13 years must be accompanied by an adult. Passengers must have a reasonable level of fitness. If you have concerns please contact our office.

Persons with disabilities cannot fly.

How far do balloons fly?

It depends completely on the wind speed, usually somewhere between 5 and 20 kilometres.

Can extra people join me for breakfast?

We prefer not to have additional people join our group, as breakfast is pre ordered prior to leaving the hotel and the table booked. The restaurant particularly on the weekend is nearly always fully booked.

What days do you fly?

We operate up to 6 days a week depending on the season. You can check availability by viewing the Flight Calendar on the Balloon Flight Experience Page.

How is the balloon steered?

Yes, directional control is possible by ascending or descending into air currents going in a different direction.

How do I know whether my flight is going ahead?

The decision to meet for the flight is made 60 minutes prior to the meeting time. Your pilot will send an SMS to your mobile phone advising if the flight is on or has to be cancelled due to inclement weather.

Please note: The Pilot is the only person authorised to decide if the flight will take place..

Does the balloon fly in all weather conditions?

No. Hot air ballooning is a fair-weather activity. The idea is to have fun, so if conditions are not suitable we do not fly. Excessive wind, rain & fog are some of the things that keep us grounded. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: we understand that it is disappointing to have a flight cancelled but the decision is made with your safety and enjoyment in mind. Please be understanding when this situation occurs – we never want to cancel a flight, it is mother nature who makes that decision for us! So if you feel the urge to yell at someone, yell at her.

How many people are in the basket?

Cloud 9 Balloon Flights has 2 balloons which can fly between 2-12 persons.

I’ve booked accommodation?

Always a great idea if you live a long way from our meeting point. However bare in mind that ballooning is entirely dependant on wind & weather conditions and you do so at your own risk and expense. A decision to fly can be made up to an hour prior to the meeting time. Please do not contact the office insisting we make a decision prior to this time as we will just direct you to this page for clarification.