Hot Air Balloon Tasmania COVID-19 Safe Workplace Information & Procedures
HABT – COVID-19 Safe Workplace Information & Procedures
Hot air balloon Tasmania wants to ensure the health and safety of our crew members and others whilst the COVID-19 risks are still present in the community. While we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19, we need to minimise that risk, as far as is reasonably practicable.
We can minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by participating in the following actions:
· practice physical distancing where possible
· practice good hygiene
· staying home when sick, and
· cleaning the workplace regularly and thoroughly.
1. Physical Distancing
Physical distancing (also referred to as ‘social distancing’) refers to the requirement that people distance themselves from others. The current advice from the Department of Health is that everyone must keep at least 1.5 metres apart from others (outside of their family unit) where possible.
Physical distancing is necessary because the most likely way of catching the virus is by breathing in micro-droplets from another person sneezing, coughing, or exhaling. By ensuring a physical distance of at least 1.5 metres from others where possible, you will reduce the likelihood of exposure to micro- droplets of others.
Current health advice is that everyone, including people at workplaces, must implement physical distancing measures wherever possible.
2. Hygiene
COVID-19 spreads through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. A person can acquire the virus by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or eyes.
A keyway we can protect crew members and others from the risk of exposure to COVID-19 is by requiring crew members and others to practice good hygiene. Below are measures to ensure good hygiene in our workplace.
Good hygiene requires everyone to wash their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and drying them with clean paper towel. Everyone must wash their hands:
· before and after eating
· after coughing or sneezing
· after going to the toilet, and
· when changing tasks and after touching potentially contaminated surfaces.
An alcohol-based hand sanitiser with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol as the active ingredient must be used as per the manufacturer’s instructions when it is not possible to wash hands.
Good hygiene also requires everyone at the workplace to, at all times:
· cover their coughs and sneezes with their elbow or a clean tissue (and no spitting)
· avoid touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth
· dispose of tissues and cigarette butts hygienically, e.g. in closed bins
· wash their hands before and after smoking a cigarette
· clean and disinfect shared equipment and plant after use
· wash body, hair (including facial hair) and clothes thoroughly every day, and
Hot Air Balloon Tasmania
COVID-19 Safe Workplace Information & Procedures
· have no intentional physical contact, for example, shaking hands and patting backs.
3. Health Monitoring
Crew members must be familiar with the symptoms relating to COVID-19, including what crew members must do if they are diagnosed or suspect they may have COVID-19.
All crew members should be aware of the key symptoms of COVID-19 which are:
· fever
· coughing
· a sore throat
· fatigue, and
· shortness of breath.
All crew members must not attend the workplace and report to management as soon as possible:
· if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
· if they have been, or have potentially been, exposed to a person who has been diagnosed
with COVID-19 or is suspected to have COVID-19
4. Workplace Cleaning
COVID-19 spreads through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. A person can acquire the virus by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or eyes.
A keyway we can protect crew members and others from the risk of exposure to COVID-19 is by implementing appropriate cleaning and disinfecting measures.
A combination of cleaning and disinfection will be most effective in removing the COVID-19 virus. Workplaces must be cleaned at least daily. Cleaning with detergent and water is sufficient.
Once clean, surfaces can be disinfected. When and how often your workplace should be disinfected will depend on the likelihood of contaminated material being present.
Alternatively, you may be able to do a 2-in-1 clean and disinfection by using a combined detergent and disinfectant.
5. Hot air balloon Tasmania Crew Member Specific Procedures
As our work environment is unique in its delivery, we want to provide a brief set of guidelines to be followed for crew member duties in additional to any of the above government advice.
· All crew members must declare if they are sick or have been in contact with another person that may have had COVID-19. Advise management ASAP so we can have you stood down from duties and we can notify any persons that may have been in contact. Do not come to work if you are sick.
· Hands must be washed upon arrival at the meeting point. Wash station is provided with hand washing instructions. Alcohol based hand sanitiser may also be used as a substitute to hand washing.
Revision Date: 15/12/21
Hot Air Balloon Tasmania
COVID-19 Safe Workplace Information & Procedures
· Where possible maintain the 1.5m physical distance with other crew to limit face to face contact time.
· All crew members are to use their own equipment throughout the shift ie: UHF radios, gloves
· All crew members should clean their own equipment following the shift with provided cleaning products provided by
management. Equipment will also include personal mobile phone.
· Door handles and hard surfaces should be wiped down with cleaning products provided by management.
· Property access gates and locks should be cleaned with cleaning products provided by management after each use.
· Alcohol-based sanitiser and disposable face masks available on transfer buses for use by crew members at any time.
· All crew members are to maintain the 1.5m physical distance as part of any landowner relations.
· Breakfast location COVID Safe rules and regulations will need to be followed upon entry including any direction from thei
· If at any time are you in doubt about any of these procedures or wish to propose an improvement, please advise
management ASAP.
6. Hot air balloon Tasmania Passenger Specific Procedures
As our work environment is unique in its delivery, we want to provide a brief set of guidelines to be followed for passenger interactions in additional to any of the above government advice.
· Collect passenger name and phone number on check-in sheet and complete the registration form via verbal confirmation.
Verbally ask passengers if they are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms. Details to be recorded by a crew member.
· Remind passengers where possible maintain the 1.5m physical distance with other during the tour especially at the pack up
sequence of the flight.
· All passengers are required to wear facemasks throughout the period of the experience.
· All passengers are required to ‘Check In’ using the TAS Check in App at the statrt of the experience.
· Alcohol-based sanitiser and disposable face masks available on transfer buses for use by passengers at any time.
· Travel time should be limited to 30 minutes where possible. If delayed passengers should be able to disembark the bus while
maintaining physical distance where possible.
· Do not use passenger mobile phones for photography. All photography by crew members must be on the provided crew
· All crew members should avoid physical contact with passengers during the loading and unloading sequences unless safety
will be compromised.
· Pilots shall allocate passengers within the passenger compartments as per the advice at the end of this document.
Passengers should also be encouraged to face outside, away from other passengers during the flight to limit face to face
contact with other passengers in the basket.
· All crew members are to wear facemasks where close contact may occur for the duration of the experience.
Hot air balloon Tasmania
COVID-19 Safe Workplace Information & Procedures
• If at any time are you in doubt about any of these procedures or wish to propose an improvement, please advise management ASAP.
We look forward to providing a COVID-19 Safe workplace for both our crew members and passengers by operating under these procedures.
Management Contact
John Allen – Chief Pilot
0407 238 104
email: john
Covid-19 Staff Training & Briefing record Revision Date: 15th December 2021