We are, Open for Business

After months of preparation Hot air balloon Tasmania is open for business.

Both Clare & I (John) arrived on the Spirit Of Tasmania dragging much of our worldly belongings and trusty hound dog in tow. Mitsy was the most relieved out of all of us to drive off the boat but after a long walk and longer pee around the nearest Devonport park even she was glad to be on her way to our new home.

Home for the next couple of months is my brothers house and the last week has been MAD as we move our stuff in and set up the office. It’s all gone extraordinarily well with it all completed without a hitch. How did that happen!

With all the work done the weekend was spend socialising, bush walking and watching a bit of footy, live. And to top off the weekends we even brought ourselves our own place to live.

Located smack bang in the middle of Launceston we will be setting it up as an AirBnB. So when you book your balloon flight in Tasmania and your looking for the best place to stay in the best location we’ll have it all ready waiting for you.

Clare Allen